1 Angela / not study / English/before / she / visit / London Angela hadn't studied English before she visited London.
2 by/time/l/finish / school yesterday/it/get/ dark outside
3 how long/you/have/ your bike / when / somebody / sted
Use the prompts to write sentences.
4 when/ we/ arrived / at the cinema/ the film /
already / start
5 1/just / arrived / at the party / when /it / finish
6 Kayla /be/tired / because / she / not sleep / well
7 Chiara / never / see / a volcano / before / she/go/ to
8 by/time//get up/ my brother/ eat / all the pancakes​

анр5гн5р5рррр анр5гн5р5рррр    1   03.11.2020 21:49    35

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