1 Alison wanted to give her boyfriend a surprise for his birthday, so she dinner for him. She made him roast beef, but he was very with her because he’s a vegetarian! 2 Susan find the plane ticket for her flight to Berlin, so she was very . But she found it in her jacket yesterday! 3 I arrived home from work very late last night. I was really but I didn’t want to make anything, so I just a pizza. 4 Last month, I went on holiday with my friends to the Canary Islands. But my friends just on the beach every day, so I was really for the whole of the holiday. 5 Ben’s parents were really of his little sister when she was young, because she talk when she was only nine months old. вставить эти слова:angry bored cooked could couldn’t hungry ordered proud relaxed visited
worried. к.р по анг

dianashabaneh dianashabaneh    1   18.05.2020 16:13    6

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