1. Alice (tell) me that she (not have) many hobbies when she was a child. 2. When her neighbours (get) a TV, she (go) round to watch it. She (not seen) one before.

3. They (not invent) computers when Alice (be) young

4. By the time he (be) eighteen, he (leave) school and (find) a job.

5. The band (not start) playing when we (arrive).

6. In the 1950s, people (want) to enjoy themselves because they (have) a hard time during the war.

Privet34522 Privet34522    2   10.09.2020 08:23    5

SanchesMaster SanchesMaster  15.10.2020 19:45

1. Alice (told) me that she (had not had/did not have) many hobbies when she was a child.

2. When her neighbours (got) a TV, she (went) round to watch it. She (had not seen) one before.

3. They (had not invented) computers when Alice (was) young

4. By the time he (was) eighteen, he (had left) school and (found) a job.

5. The band (had not started) playing when we (arrived).

6. In the 1950s, people (wanted) to enjoy themselves because they (had had) a hard time during the war.

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