1. According to the author the waves to form a hurricane should be.. A) less than 75 mph

B) less than 39 mph

C) up to 75 mph or higher

2. According to the author how fast does a tropical storm need to be moving in order to receive a


A) 25 mph

B) Over 39 mph

C) 100 mph

3. Where does the author write this information to the question above?

A) Second paragraph

B) Third paragraph

C) First paragraph​

1. According to the author the waves to form a hurricane should be.. A) less than 75 mphB) less than

insaf1282 insaf1282    2   15.03.2021 11:37    2

mag792 mag792  14.04.2021 11:38
C) up to 75 mph or higherB) Over 39 mphA) Second paragraph
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