1 A: Who teaches the art & crafts club? B: The art and crafts club ....
(teach) by Ms Gulsara.
2 A: When does the music club meet?
B: Meetings
every Wednesday.
3 A: When will the school make an
announcement about the new clubs?
B: I believe the new clubs .......
(announce) tomorrow afternoon.
4 A: Why wasn't Bakhytzhan at football practice
yesterday afternoon?
B: He forgot his uniform so he
(not/allow) to play.​

1 A: Who teaches the art & crafts club? B: The art and crafts club ....(teach) by Ms Gulsara.2 A

Zomka1 Zomka1    3   09.09.2020 18:47    52

polinafaber polinafaber  15.10.2020 19:20

1.The art and crafts club is teach Ms Gulsara.

2. Meetings are hold every Wednesday.

3. I believe the new clubs will make announce tomorrow afternoon.

4. He forgot his uniform so he wasn`t allow to play