1 A: Did you see
(you/see) James
B: Yes. He
(come) to meet us after he
(finish) his homework.
2 A:
the new sitcom on TV yesterday?
B: No,
for an important exam all evening.
3 A: Was Jenny at the school reunion last
B: Yes! |
recognise) her at first because she
(lose) so much weight!
4 A:
my computer yesterday while
(be) at Jerry's house?
B: Yes, sorry. I
(send) an email to Steve.
5 A: Who
(eat) the last piece of cake in the fridge?
B: Sue did. She
(save) it for you.
очень очень очень очень очень очень очень очень очень очень сросно​

asiemghulkarimozb3er asiemghulkarimozb3er    2   02.02.2021 18:56    2

brilovainna brilovainna  02.02.2021 19:00

хотя я тебя английский не понимаю спрашивала ты другу дай 55 долларов или

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