1. A: 1) (not/know) you had a dog.

B: I 2) (find) her on the street a month ago while I 3)

(walk) back from school.

2. A: 4) (you/clean) the attic?

B: Yes, and I 5) (come) across my yearbook!

3. A: When 6) (you/start) learning Spanish?

B: Two years ago while I 7) (prepare) for my B levels.

4. A: Julie 8) (pass) all her exams.

B: Yes, I know. She 9) (tell) me good news while we 10) (have) lunch.

Task № 2.

Use will, are/is going to or the present continuous.

1. I (help) write your essay on endangered species. I promise.

2. They (get) married next summer.

3. We (have) dinner with the Smiths tomorrow night. Would you like to come?

4. Be careful! You (trip) over that toy!

5. Maria (move) to Boston in a month. She won a scholarship to Harvard University.

6. I haven`t heard from Cathy since Friday. I (send) her a text message.

7. They (fly) to Canada at 8 o`clock this evening.

8. Chris and Janet (have) a garden party on Saturday afternoon.

Task № 3.

Group the words in the list under the headings.

Dark, overweight, skinny, small, middle-aged, pretty, green, blonde, fair, bald, short, good-looking, ginger, travelling, slim, wavy, of medium build, young, tall, old, sports, beautiful, painting, handsome, music.

Eyes: ; hair: ; height: ; weight: ;

age: ; looks: ; interests: .

Task № 4.

Put the adjectives/adverbs in brackets into the comparative or superlative form, adding any necessary words.

1. A: Rafael is getting 1) and 2) (good) at tennis.

B: Oh, really? That`s surprising!

2. A: John was 3) (fast) runner in the race, wasn`t he?

B: That`s right. No one else could beat him.

3. A: Mary is very intelligent, isn`t she?

B: Yes, she`s 4) (smart) person I know.

4. A: I think it`s time to go.

B: The 5) we leave, the 6) (soon) we`ll get home.

5. A: What do you think of Mark?

B: Well, I don`t think he`s 7) (kind) he looks.

6. A: How was the Chemistry exam?

В: It was much 8) (easy) than the Physics exam.

tmihailviktoroozvxn9 tmihailviktoroozvxn9    2   01.10.2021 17:44    0

Alaaxbek Alaaxbek  01.10.2021 17:50

1. I didn't know

found, was walking

2. Have you cleaned


3. did you start

was preparing

4. has passed

told, were having

Task 2

1. will help

2. got

3. are having

4. are going to

5. is moving

6. will send

7. are flying

8. are having

Task 3

eyes:  small, green, beautiful, dark

hair: blonde, fair, short, bald, ginger, wavy, short

height: tall, short

weight: slim, of medium build,

age: middle-aged. young

looks: beautiful, handsome, pretty, good-looking

interests: painting, sports, travelling, music

Task 4

1. better and 2 better

3 the fastest

3 the smartest

5 sooner 6 sooner

7 kinder

8. easier

Объяснение: done

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