1.8 past simple or present perfect in context. раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в правильную грамматическую форму, выбирая между настоящим свершенным (e.g. he has done) или простым временами (e.g. he did): 1. the postman usually comes between 8.00 and 9.00 in the morning. at 8.45 a.m. yesterday ann ), ‘are there any letters for me? ’ ‘i don’t know,’ ) mary. ‘the postman come) yet.’ at 11 a.m. jack, mary’s husband, ) from his office to ask if there ) any letters for him. ‘no,’ ) mary. ‘nobody ) letters today. the postman come).’ 2. mr. speed, ann’s employer, ) three letters and ) ann to type them as soon as possible. half an hour later he ) ann’s office. ‘ you ) those letters yet? ’ he ). ‘well,’ ) ann, ‘i ) the letter to mr. jones, and i’m now typing the one to mr. robinson, but i start) the one to mr. smith yet.’ 3. – you ) out yet about the trains to liverpool? –no. i ) the station last night but the man who ) the phone seem) to be sure of the times. he ) something about a new timetable. –but the new timetable ) in operation for three weeks! 4. tom and jack work in different offices but go to work in the same train. one evening tom’s wife ), ‘ jack ) into his new house yet? ’ ‘i don’t know,’ ) tom, ‘i see) jack today. he be) on the train.’ 5. –where you )? –i ) shopping in oxford street. –so i suppose you ) shoes? –yes. i ) a shop where they were having a sale and i ) three pairs. 6. –in the evenings i often play chess with my next door neighbour. i ) chess with him ever since i ) to live here ten years ago. he ) here all his life; he ) the house from his father, another great chess player. – you ever ) chess with the father? 6 –we ) once or twice but he ) a year after i ). 7. –i can’t find my gloves. you ) them? –yes, you ) them in the car yesterday. i ) them back in your drawer. 8. –i hope you’re enjoying your visit to england. you ) any englishmen yet? –yes, i ) a man called smith at a party last night. –what you ) about? –we ) about the weather. 9. mrs. jones: for years i ) all my washing by hand; then last year i ) a washing machine and i must say it ) washing day much less exhausting. it only takes me an hour now. mrs. white: i don’t like washing machines. i /do) my washing by hand and i intend to go on doing it. i (always/find) it very satisfying work. 10. tom: don’t you think it’s time we ) something different for sunday dinner? ann: but we ) roast beef for sunday dinner ever since we ) married. your mother ) me that you ) particularly fond of roast beef. tom: but my mother ) dead for five years and in those five years my tastes ). 11. julie, sandra and tom are all students together. julie: you ) tom last night? sandra: no, but i /come) from his house. he’s in bed. he ) very ill in bed for the last three days, actually. julie: i’m sorry to hear that. so that’s why he (not/go) to the dance last night? sandra: yes. the doctor ) him twice now. he’s coming again tomorrow. oh, by the way, tom ) his love to you when i ) him

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