1 2
3 KET Read the text again and for each
question, choose the correct answer, A, B or C.
The Daily Courant was the first newspaper to ...
A appear every day.
B appear in English.
C appear every day in English.
The Times is an example of a newspaper which
A is older than the Daily Courant
B has appeared every day for a long time.
C appears in many places around the world.
3. The biggest problem for newspapers
is that people
A want to read the news in different way
B aren't interested in the news.
o don't like what journalists sam
4 What does the writer say might happen
in the future?
A Very few people will read the news.
B Music magazines will become more popular.
C There will be no newspapers in the shops.​

skrlp1234 skrlp1234    3   12.02.2021 20:44    23

artemikochan artemikochan  14.03.2021 21:45

1С, 2В, 3А, 4С


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