(1) 1900 (2) fewer than 3,000 motor cars on the roads in France, Motorists bought their petrol at (3) . The Michelin brothers, (4) made tyres, decided that some sort of guidance (5) to be made available to those motorists when motoring away from home, (6) where (7) to buy petrol, (8)__to stay the night or to (9) a telephone call and so on. They also realised that motorists would like (10) obtain (11) about the best roads to take and (12) on the way. So one of the brothers compiled the first Guide. It was (13) smaller than the present edition. It had nearly 400 pages, almost (14) were devoted to technical matters and advice on mechanical problem^ and the laws relating to motoring, (15) were equivalent the modern Highway Code (16) that time. M Michelin had the book printed and gave (17) to garage owners, who in turn distributed it to (18) customers (19) there are Michelin Guides for several European countries and restaurant owners hope the Michelin inspectors will think their restaurants (20) for inclusion in one of them
1 A At B On C In D For
2 A there were B they were C it was D there was
3 A the grocers B the grocer's C the groceries D the grocer shop
4 A who B which C what D that
5 A Should B must C ought D had better
6 A so they would know B so they would be knowing
C so they would be knowing D that they knew
7 A they were going B to go C can they go D they can go
8 A to repair their cars B for getting their cars
C to get repaired their cars D to get their cars repaired
9 A put B send C do D make
10 A to be able to B to can C that they were able to D that they could
11 A some information B an information C one information D some informations
12 A what was the surface like B what the surface was like C how was the surface D how the surface was
13 A rather B quite C fairly D a few
14 A half of which B half of them C the half of which D the half of them
15 A they B that C which D what
16 A in B at C on D while
17 A it up B up it C it away D away it
18 A his B its C their D theirs
19 A In our days B Those days C On the present time D Nowadays
20 A so good B too good C good enough D enough good

fafab232 fafab232    2   28.03.2020 11:41    6

azimbayevmukan azimbayevmukan  28.08.2020 01:09

1c in

2a there were

3c  the groceries


5had better

6a so they would know

7d they can go

8d to get their cars repaired


10a to be able to

11a some information

12a what was the surface like

13b quite

14b half of them

15b that

16a in

17c it away

18 c their

19d nowadays

20c good enough

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