1.1. Make phrases with the words 1) shopping
2) make
3) student
4) can’t afford
5) credit
6) extreme
7) young
8) earn
9) household
10) pocket

a) sports
b) loan
c) money
d) extra money
e) consumers
f) chores
g) ends meet
h) spree
i) card
j) to splash out
1.2. Fill in the gaps with phrases from task№1.
1. My parents give me ... ... every week.
2. Many teenagers have to... ... to buy all the things they want.
3. Some people are working two jobs to ... ... these days.
4. I think children should do ... ... to help their parents.
5. He went out on a ... ... and got everything he wanted for himself.

2. Fill in: daring, earned, save, waste, determined
1. I'm happy I've ... ... enough money to go on a nice holiday.
2. Helen is……….to win the race.
3. The work of a rescue team was extremely……. .
4. We would have to ... ... a long time to afford that car.
5. There is nothing to buy here and I don't want to ... ... my money.

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form ( -ing-form, to-infinitive or bare infinitive):
1. She is looking forward to... (get) a new mobile phone.
2. John is afraid of ...(fly).
3. I don’t mind ... (lend) you the book, but you must ...(return) it to me next week.
4. It’s cold outside. You’d better ... (take) your coat.
5. We saw them ... (do) all the damage.
6. She enjoys ... (receive) people at home.
7. I would like ... (meet) that writer.
8. I stopped ... (play) football because of a knee injury.
9. The English teacher doesn’t let us ...(use) the dictionary while tests.

4. Choose the correct preposition.

1. I'm going to take my parents off/out tonight.
2. Luke is brilliant at/in basketball.
3. Ivan has taken in/up tennis.
4. I'm very proud on/of you!
5. Henry will take over/up the business when his father died.
6. Why don't you take off/up your coat?
7. My brother is crazy in/about photography.
8. Norman takes off/after his father in appearance.
9. Are you interested in/at history?
10. I think you need to take these dress out/in. It's very loose on you.
5. Form nouns from the words in brackets.
1. Many young sportsmen took part in the different COMPETE
2. If you don’t change your lifestyle, you’ ll get nervous….. . EXHAUST
3. He is famous for his……. in biology. ACHIVE
4. She managed to overcome her …… on drugs. DEPEND
5. She made a quick…… from a cold. RECOVER
6. Fortunately, she accepted my……. . SUGGEST

DarkLooord DarkLooord    3   14.02.2022 06:33    45

Shurikoff1 Shurikoff1  24.01.2024 19:38
1.1. Make phrases with the words
1) shopping - go shopping, do shopping
2) make - make a cake, make a decision
3) student - university student, high school student
4) can't afford - can't afford to buy, can't afford to go
5) credit - credit card, credit limit
6) extreme - extreme sports, extreme weather
7) young - young people, young children
8) earn - earn money, earn a living
9) household - household chores, household items
10) pocket - pocket money, pocket change

1.2. Fill in the gaps with phrases from task №1.
1. My parents give me pocket money every week.
2. Many teenagers have to earn money to buy all the things they want.
3. Some people are working two jobs to make ends meet these days.
4. I think children should do household chores to help their parents.
5. He went out on a shopping spree and got everything he wanted for himself.

2. Fill in: daring, earned, save, waste, determined
1. I'm happy I've earned enough money to go on a nice holiday.
2. Helen is determined to win the race.
3. The work of a rescue team was extremely daring.
4. We would have to save a long time to afford that car.
5. There is nothing to buy here and I don't want to waste my money.

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (-ing-form, to-infinitive or bare infinitive):
1. She is looking forward to getting a new mobile phone. (to-infinitive)
2. John is afraid of flying. (-ing-form)
3. I don't mind lending you the book, but you must return it to me next week. (-ing-form, to-infinitive)
4. It's cold outside. You'd better take your coat. (bare infinitive)
5. We saw them doing all the damage. (-ing-form)
6. She enjoys receiving people at home. (-ing-form)
7. I would like to meet that writer. (to-infinitive)
8. I stopped playing football because of a knee injury. (-ing-form)
9. The English teacher doesn't let us use the dictionary while tests. (bare infinitive)

4. Choose the correct preposition.
1. I'm going to take my parents out tonight.
2. Luke is brilliant at basketball.
3. Ivan has taken up tennis.
4. I'm very proud of you!
5. Henry will take over the business when his father dies.
6. Why don't you take off your coat?
7. My brother is crazy about photography.
8. Norman takes after his father in appearance.
9. Are you interested in history?
10. I think you need to take this dress in. It's very loose on you.

5. Form nouns from the words in brackets.
1. Many young sportsmen took part in the different competitions.
2. If you don't change your lifestyle, you'll get nervous exhaustion.
3. He is famous for his achievements in biology.
4. She managed to overcome her dependence on drugs.
5. She made a quick recovery from a cold.
6. Fortunately, she accepted my suggestion.
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