0 A horse has got legs. A for B fore C fort Dfour

1 Rosa comes Uruguay.

A for B in C at D from

2 the time? – It’s nine o’clock.

A What’s B Where’s C When’s D How’s

3 Look at aeroplane in the sky! It’s very big!

A these B this C it D that

4 are seventeen students in my class.

A These B Them C There D Their

5 They are the classroom.

Aon B in C at D with

6 How you today? – I’m fine thanks.

A are B is C be D am

7Mrs Hellman is English teacher.

A our B us C we D you

8Georgia like eating English breakfast.

A don’t B doesn’t C aren’t D isn’t

9 Hi. What’s ?

A you name B your name C the name D name

10 Fabian to the cinema after the lesson.

A did go B went C wanted D gone

11 Did you see the weather forecast on TV ten o’clock?

A at B on C in D from

12 Pam breakfast at half past eight yesterday morning.

A has B have C is having D had

13 How old you in 2004?

A are B have C were D had

14 Where Charlie and Phil last week?

A was B is C were D we’re

15 Manolo 7 years old in 1999.

A are B am C were D was

16 Birds drink a lot of water every day.

A must B need C was D has

17 you walk to the shops or take a bus?

A Are B Is C Does D Do

18 Diana comes to school train.

A on B with C in D by

19 How is that cassette player? – It’s £9.50.

A cost B price C many D much

20 Where did you see Fight Club? – I it at Cineworld.

A saw B see C seen D look

21 you bring your dictionary on Monday?

A Did B Are C Was D Has

22 I my jeans because they were dirty.

A took B took off C took out D took from

23 Today is than yesterday.

A much cold B more cold C colder D cold

24 They don’t stay at school after the lesson today.

A must B have to C ought to D should

25 Which book are you in the holidays?

A read B going to read C will read D have read

26 We go to work yesterday because it was Sunday.

A don’t B wasn’t C didn’t D weren’t

27 This exercise is than that one.

A difficulty B much difficult C more difficult D difficult

28 What they going to do tomorrow evening?

A did B was C are D can

29 Are you good singing?

A in B for C on D at

30 How do you read an English magazine? – Every month.

A often B much C many D every

31 the most famous athlete from your country?

A Who’s B Whose C How’s DWhat’s

32 I visit my aunt and uncle on Sunday afternoons.

Asome time B sometimes C some D sometime

33 Are there big shopping malls near your home?

A any B some C the D a

34 The Kremlin is Moscow.

A from B on C in D at

35 What time do you go to bed on school days?

A used B usual C use D usually

36 He goes surfing summer.

A very B ever C every D always

37 She television every evening.

A watch B watches C to watch D sees

38 Do you come from Venezuela? – No, I . I come from Ecuador.

A ’m not B don’t C didn’t D doesn’t

39 Are you Australian? – No, .

A I wasn’t B I don’t C I can’t D I’m not

40 Can you get me a of mineral water, please?

A bag B packet C box D bottle

41 How milk do you put in your tea?

A many B much C any D some

42 How DVDs do you buy each week? – One or two.

A many B much C any D some

43 The hunter didn’t the lion with his gun.

A shot B shooting C shoot D shoots

44 I this blouse at a shop in Paris last summer.

A bought B brought C buy D bring

45 about light in your Physics class?

A Had you learn B Did you learnt C Was you learn D Did you learn

46 We the history of Bolivar last year.

A study B studying C studies D studied

47 green jacket is this? Is it yours?

A Who’s B Whose C How’s D Who

48 Is this Marjorie’s hat? – No, it isn’t Marjorie’s, it’s.

A me B I I’m C my D mine

49 Stella’s father is a . He built my house.

A build B building C builder D built

50 Japanese? – No, I can’t.

A Can you speak B You can speak C Speak D Speak you

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hfjfifj hfjfifj  28.09.2021 20:00

d, d, a, d, c, b, a, a, b, b, b, a, d, c, a, d, b, d, d, c, a, a, b, c, b, b, c, c, c, d, a, a, d, a, c, d, c, b, b, b, d, b, c, a, d, d, b, d, c, a

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